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Top Reviews for Alex Excursies

A family business specialized in organizing small-scale excursions with Dutch guidance in Macedonia

  • Small scale
  • You come to places where you cannot reach with a coach
  • Personal experience

Adventurous excursions

Our most popular excursions

Watervallen van Doef in Mavrovo

Duf Waterfall

58 € / Per person

  • Duration: 7-8 hours
  • 1245, Mavrovo

Mavrovo National Park is the largest national park in northern Macedonia with an area of about 73,000 hectares.

It is located in the west of the country, mainly in the region of Mavrovo and Rostuša. The park is known for its diverse natural landscapes, including mountains, forests, rivers and lakes.

Partisan village tour

45 € / Per person

  • Duration: 6-8 hours
  • 6000, Ohrid

In the Ohrid and Struga area, there are many villages where you can get to know the way of life of the inhabitants, you still taste something of the authentic atmosphere of the past. In the partisan village tour, we also visit a lime factory and someone who plays bagpipes. We have lunch at the water springs in Vevcani.

boothumb boat trip

Boat trip along the coast

45 € / Per person

  • Duration : 6-8 hours
  • 6000, Ohrid

Boating on Lake Ohrid is one of the most enjoyable ways to explore the coast, wild beaches and fishing villages. We also visit the “Bay of Bones”. We hold the barbecue on one of the wild beaches of the Macedonian Riviera.

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